King Network and Media Services
KingNAMS is an MSP located in Opelika, AL.
MSP stands for Managed Service Provider. It means that we take a proactive approach to our customer’s IT needs. While we have always tried to install the best equipment and software for folks, those things need maintenance! Just like a car needing an oil change, why would you wait for something to “break” before calling us to “fix” it. That just creates downtime and everyone scrambling because it’s always an emergency. But there is a better way! KingNAMS can provide preventive maintenance and 24/7 monitoring of your IT systems. We keep things in tip top shape and when things do go awry, we are in a much better position to help quickly because we are intimately familiar with your network. Plus in this age cyber security is no longer optional or only something that banks and big organizations have to think about. And anti-virus isn’t enough! We can be your cyber security experts and implement products and procedures to help block ransomware and cyber threats. And it’s not just that – we also serve in a consultant or even a CIO type roll. We learn about all aspects of your business and strategize with you on ways that you can leverage your IT investment to promote growth and reduce problems! We keep up with technology advances and let you know about new products or services that can benefit your business. All this to say, we think about IT so you don’t have to. You get our expertise and experience at a fraction of the cost of hiring a full time IT staff.